Monday, September 22, 2008

Referendum M -- Obsolete Constitutional Provision Relating to Land Value Increases

This referendum would take out a provision that allows the general assembly to delay for a limited time the taxation of the improvement of land caused by the planting of hedges, orchards or forests. Currently state statute excludes from taxation for 30 years any increase in the value of private land due to the planting of trees. A separate section of the constitution defines allowable tax exemptions but doesn't allow for an exemption for hedges, orchards or forests.

Required CONSTITUTIONAL change -- REPEALS Section 7 of Article XVIII.

Recommendation: YES
Let’s take the junk out of the Colorado Constitution.

Referendum M (Approved ballot title below)

Obsolete Constitutional Provision Relating to Land Value Increases

Shall section 7 of article XVIII of the state constitution concerning outdated, obsolete provisions regarding land value increase be repealed?

Yes ________________ No ________________

See Section 3 of Article X of the constitution which I think contains the list of current allowable property tax exemptions. You'll have to navigate to Colorado Constitution, then Article X, then Section 3.

To see the full text of the proposed measure, click here, then click on “2008 State Ballot Information Booklet” at the top of the page.

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