Monday, October 14, 2024

City of Boulder 2E – Boards and Commissions Changes

One way that city residents engage with the city’s government is by serving on boards and commissions. The city charter’s Article IX. Advisory Commissions has been in the charter since the charter’s inception in 1917.

City council wants to delete almost all of “Section 130. - General provisions concerning advisory commissions” and replace it with a sweeping statement that “the council may, by ordinance, establish appointive boards and commissions” and prescribe the powers, terms of office, etc.

Recommendation: Against

The city has been accused of not listening to the community and not seeking the community’s input. For instance, in 2017 the city reduced Open Comment time at council meetings. Recently, perhaps in response, the city has started working with the National Civic League on a Better Public Meetings Project.

The board and commission members are already appointed by council and are mostly advisory in nature. Removing language from the voter-approved charter and replacing it with council-passed ordinance language seems problematic. If a particular problem exists with the boards and commissions, council should request voters approve a specific change to the charter to address that issue rather than request overarching power. Councils come and go, but the charter is more permanent and can be a bulwark against a “bad” council.

Website for the For Side
No known website – Info on a proponents’ website appreciated.

Website for the Against Side
No known website – Info on an opposition website appreciated.

Approved Ballot Language
City of Boulder Ballot Question 2E
Boards and Commissions Changes

Shall Sec. 130 of the Boulder Home Rule Charter be amended to authorize City Council to set the terms and criteria of board and commission members and amend the language regarding removal of board and commission members as more specifically provided in Ordinance 8639?

For the Measure ___
Against the Measure ___

Ordinance 8639 to refer Question 2E to the ballot

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